Manual Handling Training
In recent years, incorrect approach to manual handling of loads by people has been the major contributing factor to 80% of UK population suffering from back-related injuries with over 36% of these occurring in the workplace. These are leading to increased direct and indirect costs to the organisations, which could have been easily avoided by adequate training. A workplace injury is considered to be caused by or made worse by any work activity.
Stesec Limited is very aware of the consequences of the occurrence of such injuries and we have been working with organisations to eliminate damages caused by these injuries by introducing a Manual Handling course to all employees coming into contact with objects which need to be pushed, pulled, lifted or reached for, moved, etc.
The course will guide your staff through correct techniques and working processes involving manual handling and will emphasise on creating positive Health and Safety culture within their working environment which will become the most effective tool driving your organizations` accident rates down.
The course will benefit all staff in all working environments where there is a significant risk of manual handling related injury.
Our course tutors are City and Guilds Certified Manual Handling Trainers which gives them a certain advantage over the competition as they have gone through much more complex evaluation process in order to make them the most competent trainers in the field in delivery and assessment of manual handling training.
With this in mind, we are confident they will be able to reduce the amount of manual handling related injury rate within your environment and also drive your Health and Safety culture forwards.
Key Benefits
Compliance with Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992
Reduction of most common injuries at the workplace
Reduction of employee injury claims against the organization
Maintaining a safe working environment
Risk assessment and management
Spine structure and common spinal injuries
Types and causes of injuries
Practical solutions
Correct handling techniques